Whether you have lived in your current home for decades or have just moved in, it is vital for the safety of your children that you inspect every nook and cranny for ways to make improvements. This post will describe five ways that you can make your home safer for children of all ages. Some home improvements are small and require little effort, but others need a little more elbow grease. No matter the size of the project, every step you take to make your home a safer place for your children will pay off in the long run – especially in peace of mind. As you are probably well aware, children always have a way of knowing what they are not supposed to do or touch and then proceeding to do or touch it anyhow! The following are our top 5 tips for making your home a safer place:
1. Install Gates
Though this may seem like a no-brainer to some, others are not so convinced or are not utilizing them in as many places as they could. Baby gates are most commonly seen at the top and bottom of stairs. This is to keep children from falling down, or climbing up and then falling down, stairs in the home.
However, another great use for baby gates is to keep your young ones out of rooms that you consider to not be childproof. For example, this may mean separating your child from the kitchen or bathroom. Though baby gates are in investment, it may be cheaper for you to install a gate than to make your entire kitchen or bathroom childproof.
2. Use Bumpers
Your furniture may have some pointy or hard edges. Though this is not something you have to think about until your kids can get up and start moving, it is something that you cannot afford to forget to do. Amazon is just one great resource for finding foam corner guards.
The New York Times reported that in 2009 alone, over 140,000 children were sent to the hospital due to coffee table related injuries alone. If you have childproofed your home and attained some of these foam baby bumpers, yet your child still manages to hit his head, here is an excellent resource you can use to see if he needs to go to the hospital.
3. Update Your Windows
Your windows may pose more of a threat to your children than you think. If your windows are old and have a tendency of falling shut, your little one’s fingers may be in danger. If your windows are not equipped with the proper locks, little ones may end up with the window and opening it. Though one may assume that screens offer sufficient protection between your child and the outdoors, you are wrong.
According to Time.com, a surprising 5200 children fall from windows each year. And, approximately 80% of those windows were reported to have functional screens. If you are looking into installing new windows, RWC can help you get the job done right. If installing newer, safer windows are not in your budget, just make sure that your windows lock securely and that you have no furniture butted up against them. This will keep your children from climbing around and playing with your windows.
4. Keep Chemicals Out of Reach
Your little one will try to get into anything and everything they can. If you have cabinets or drawers that are within your child’s grasp, it is critical that you purchase and install child safety latches. These latches will not allow your child to gain access to the cabinet or drawer, keeping him away from its contents. These can be purchased at Babies ‘R’ Us as well as several other retailers.
If your cabinets do not allow for the use of child safety latches, perhaps it is time for you to make a change. If you are interested in installing safer cabinets that allow for the use of such safety products, or if you are interested in remodeling your kitchen to create an overall safer area, we encourage you to contact us at RWC.
5. Stuff Your Sockets
The last and possibly most important tip is ensuring that all of your electrical outlets are properly covered. Electrical outlets are one of those things that children inevitably discover they are not supposed to touch, and inevitably always try to do. There are many companies that sell plastic protectors that you essentially plug into your electrical sockets. These covers make it so your little one’s tiny fingers cannot access the socket – keeping them shock free!
If you are not comfortable with the level of safety that your home currently offers your children, it may be time to contact RWC. RWC is dedicated to helping its clients create a safe environment for every member of their family.
Visit our home page to request a quote from RWC and view the services we provide today!