How to Turn Your First Home into Your Forever Home

By February 20, 2018Design Tips
your first home

In most cases, many people consider their first homes as starter homes that they would wish to upgrade from and move into bigger or better houses in a few years, say 2 or 5 years. However, moving into a bigger and cozier house is not always the true definition of getting a dream/forever home. If you love your first home and it is possible to remodel it into a dream home, why not try it?

It is definitely easier and cheaper to make your first home a place that you would like to live in for the rest of your life. All you need is make some necessary renovations in key areas of your house such as the kitchen and bathroom to accommodate the growing needs of your family. You also need to consider adding necessary room additions that will make the starter home fit the criteria of your dream home.

Here is how you can remodel your home to fit your family’s growing needs while at same time making it a dream home:renovating your first home

Kitchen remodeling

Many first home buyers know that this is one of the most critical and valuable spaces in a house. It is also one of the areas where most focus on home renovations is directed. To make your kitchen fit the growing needs of your family as well as fit into your dream home’s plan, consider revamping its appearance, functionality, and storage capabilities. Opt for a timeless, classic style that will not easily go out fashion for the next 30 or 40 years.

Consider having an open kitchen with a functional, larger island kitchen that provides adequate space for all your family members to sit and have breakfast. Add a second sink, plenty of cabinets with accessories such as drawers and spice racks to increase your storage space, a dishwasher, additional space for a larger refrigerator, and more. You can get a lot out of your kitchen space with a good remodeling design.

Bathroom remodeling

Bathrooms are another key area of interest during first home buying. However, while having many baths in a home is essential, a constrained budget doesn’t always offer that luxury when buying your first home. It is up to you to upgrade and add more baths to your house if your family grows and you wish to make the house your forever home.

For a family of more than 5, having around 3 bathrooms is essential to avoid inconveniencing each other during bath times. Consider adding an extra bathroom if you consider the current one is inadequate. For the existing ones, consider undertaking bathroom renovations that help accommodate your growing family needs such as additional faucets, sinks, storage cabinets, and more. Also consider installing a privacy glass shower stall so that the bathroom can be used by two individuals at the same time.your first home care

Creating additions

With a growing family, it is inevitable to have extra living space requirements. Moving is a common option, but making renovations to your current home is  also a great idea to consider. You can easily renovate your basement and transform it into extra living space for your family and kids. You can also create extra space in your roof’s attic to create extra space that can be used as a playroom, office or guest room.

Don’t forget about the outdoor spaces too. Transform your porch into livable space, or build a deck or patio, in your backyard to add much needed living space.


Here are the key places to focus on when turning your first home into your forever home:

  • Revamp the kitchen
  • Create additional baths
  • Renovate current baths
  • Get additional living and bedroom space through a basement or attic remodel
  • Consult a professional to guide you through

There are countless ways to turn your first home into a dream/forever home. With the right professional advice and renovation services from experts such as RWC Windows and Doors New Jersey, you can easily renovate your first home to become a dream home. Contact them today!