The holidays are fast approaching, and what better way to bring in the cheer than by making your home a fun and festive place? Decorating, along with many of the other things that come with the holidays, can be a lot of fun. Here, we will give you seven awesome yet simple DIY decorating ideas that are perfect for adding a bit of magic to your bathroom, kitchen, doors, and windows.
1. Table Centerpiece
Start by taking a trip to your backyard or a nearby park. Gather branches that are not too long or wide. While you are at it, see if you can collect pinecones to bring inside. On their own, pinecones make a great decoration for your home, but you can also jazz these up a bit. Bring your branches and pinecones home and prepare your workspace for spray paint. Cover anything that you do not want to get paint on, and it may be best just to do this outside.
When you are ready, coat your branches and cones in gold and silver spray paint. You can even use glitter spray paint to add some sparkle to your project. Once you have covered the entire surface with paint, let your branches and cones dry. When everything is ready to go, arrange your pinecones in a clear glass vase on your kitchen table. Add the branches to the vase and hang lightweight ornaments on them. This rustic DIY decor will make the perfect centerpiece for your table!
2. Holiday Felt
Use felt to give your bathroom some holiday cheer. First, you want to find a sheet of felt that is big enough to fit as a rug on the floor in front of your toilet. Decorate the felt in holiday colors, or even make it look like Santa before placing it in front of the toilet. If you would like, you can even make a seat cover to match.
3. DIY Snowflakes
Also appropriate for your bathroom, or anywhere else in your home, you can make some DIY snowflakes using white paper. We all remember this one from elementary school. Simply fold your paper in half, and then fold it in half again. Cut whatever geometrical shapes you like, and unfold! Now repeat the process with several sheets of paper, making sure to cut different shapes out of each one.
When you are finished, you can poke a hole in the top of each snowflake and tie strings on each to hang them from your ceiling. You can also opt to tape these to the windows for a festive look that can be seen from the outside.
4. Ornament Wreath
Decorate your door with a DIY holiday wreath. For this project, you will need lots of ornaments, one wire hanger, and some pliers. At the dollar store, you can get packs of ornaments for 99 cents. Once you have your supplies ready, it is time to start. For the wreath shape, you want to take your wire hanger and bend it into a circle, but leave the hanger part intact and do not connect your circle ends yet. Use pliers to help you along.
Once you have your desired shape, you are ready to start stringing ornaments until you get to the end. Once your wire is completely strung with ornaments, you want to use your pliers to twist the circle closed. Your ornament wreath is now ready to hang!
5. Wine Bottle Decor
If you never knew what to do with those wine bottles you have yet to get rid of, this fun project just might be for you! You can paint your old wine bottles with acrylic paint, then decorate them and put them on your kitchen counter tops for a festive look. You can paint your bottles to look like Santa with red paint and a black horizontal stripe in the middle. You can also make Frosty the Snowman with white paint, three black buttons down the front, and a tiny scarf cut from felt.
6. Lights
Lights are always a great way to add some excitement to your interior. Try stringing lights along your windows to brighten up your home, or you could even add them around the perimeter of your door.
7. Paper Christmas Trees
This project is super easy and so fast that you can make tons of these in just a bit of time. To make these Christmas trees, simply form cones out of card stock circles and secure them with glue. You can decorate these cones by painting them with acrylic paint. They will be perfect to place anywhere in your home – once they have dried.
Decorating for the holidays is a fun, exciting project that is sure to add some happiness to your space. Take advantage of these seven projects for a fun, festive home this season.