Getting the most out of home renovations requires going beyond pure functionality. The updates should look good, be easy to use, and be fun to use as well. This ensures that they will provide long term satisfaction as well as utilitarian benefits.
One upgrade that does all of these things is the bay window. Bay windows do everything that windows are supposed to, such as let in light and keep the outside air from blowing through the house, but that’s just the start. They also add a distinctive flair to the exterior and provide a convenient place for those inside to sit and have some coffee.
What Are Bay Windows?
Bay windows are sets of windows that are arranged so that they protrude from the house. Typically, they use one large picture window at the center and a smaller window at each side. The smaller windows can be opened to let air in. In some installations, the picture window in the center is switched out to a fully-functional version as well. This version is also known as a canted window.
Why Choose This Style?
In terms of exterior decor, this style is excellent because it breaks up the flatness of a home’s outside walls. Making the same sort of shape out of a solid material would look strange, but when it’s done with windows, it catches people’s eyes in all of the right ways.
Inside the home, a bay window lets in plenty of light and becomes a focal point of the room it is part of. Since the window set sticks out, it also adds a bit of space to the inside of the house. A typical way to use this space is to add a bench. This lets people sit right in the window and enjoy the view.
Don’t These Windows Make the House Hot?

ack in the days of single-pane windows, the bay design would cause the house to heat up much like a greenhouse. Now, that problem has been solved. Insulated, double-glazed glass keeps the heat outside where it belongs and ensures that it will be very pleasant to sit in the nook created by the bay shape.
Are There Any Other Types of Windows to Keep in Mind?
There are indeed other types of windows that can really dress up a house. These are often selected to meet certain needs as well as to look good.
Bow Windows
The first is a simple variant on the bay window known as the bow window. Bow windows use several smaller subunits to create the shape, and this greatly diminishes the appearance of angles in the finished result. It’s also more typical for each subunit of a bow window to have the ability to be opened, which is good for those who want to let the breeze in on warm summer nights.
Sliding Doors
Because of the wide expanse of glass they present, these are really more like windows than doors; hence their inclusion in this list. They are so big that you can slide them back and walk right outdoors through them. They’re excellent for parts of the house that face picturesque scenes, so they’re often set up to overlook landscaped back yards.
Picture Windows
These are typically just as big as sliding doors, but are set permanently in place. They don’t open, so their main use is to allow those inside of a house to have a great view. Picture windows are quite impressive to see from the outside, as well.
Decorative Windows
Windows don’t have to be big to be impressive. Add interest to the outside of your home and bring light indoors by having a sprinkling of small, uniquely-shaped accent windows put in strategic spots.
For all of your New Jersey window needs, talk to us here at RWC. We’ll put our many years of design and installation to work for you so you get the perfect results.