Windows play an important role in our houses. They keep the weather out, while letting light in, but it’s more than that. Windows help to establish the design aesthetic of a house, they affect the efficiency of the home’s heating and cooling, and they reflect the homeowner’s style with how they are dressed. But what if your windows aren’t up to the task?
Windows are something that are easy to take for granted. They tend to fade into the background when you are inside your house. And when you are outside, you probably pay more attention to your siding, unless there is a major problem such as a broken pane. But it doesn’t take a broken window pane to be a problem window. Old windows can cause problems that go far beyond broken glass.
Poor performance by a worn out window has effects that can reach deep into your wallet. Besides cold and warm air transference, rain and snow can cause damage to old casings, which are prone to wood rot, and which can prove costly if not maintained.
How to know if it may be time to replace your windows:
- Drafts of warm air in summer and cold air in winter. Try the feather test. If you hold a feather next to the edge of the window and it moves, you have drafts that are driving up your heating and cooling budget.
- Foggy windows. Single pane windows are especially prone to this, as they do not stop the transference of warm and cool air. So when inside cool air meets outside warm air, or vice versa, condensation builds up. This is a sign of inefficiency that gets expensive over time.
- Hard to open or close windows. Opening and closing your windows shouldn’t be difficult. A properly hung window will open and close with ease. Old wooden windows can warp over time with the swelling and contraction of the wood in weather.
- Hard to clean windows. If you avoid cleaning your windows because they are hard to clean, or because doing so would require a ladder on the outside of your home, you may want to consider replacement windows. Modern replacement windows are easy to clean and are treated to attract less dirt on the outside.
- Replacement parts are hard to find (or non-existent). If you are unable to get replacement parts for your windows, this is a definite sign that it’s time to upgrade to new replacement windows.
- Chipping, water stains, deterioration and wood rot. Once windows reach this stage, it is very difficult to simply repair. The window needs to be replaced.
- Mismatched windows. If your windows don’t match the aesthetic of the house, or even each other, it’s time to contemplate replacing them. New windows will upgrade the look of your house and bring much needed energy efficiency.
Don’t let cost scare you off, you’ll be glad you didn’t.
It’s easy to get caught up in fear of the cost of replacement windows, but the alternative is damage to your home and money literally out the window in the form of high energy bills. Old or damaged windows create an opportunity for weather to set in, damaging sill plates and allowing water and insects into your home.
Think those gaps in the caulking are just a cosmetic issue? Think again. That’s a prime ingress point for bees, carpenter ants, and termites, as well as water. Any of those possibilities will not be pretty when the effects make themselves known down the line in the form of costly repairs to more than just the windows. These issues, left unchecked, can affect everything from walls to foundations, spelling major financial hassle and headache for homeowners.
Make the right call. Choose a company that has experience and good standing. RWC Windows, Doors & More has been in business since 1959 and is lead certified. Choosing a lead certified company is important because old windows often have lead paint and the EPA and the Toxic Substances Control Act require certain measures be taken to protect from lead contamination.
Choose a company, like RWC, that will not only deliver and install your custom windows, but will respect your home and your time, leaving the home in good condition when they are finished. A reputable company will insulate around the windows, protect your interior floors, remove existing windows and frames, seal the window frame with non-drying caulk, and remove all job-related debris at the end of the day.
Finally, choose a company that cares enough about you and your home to not subcontract out the job. Subcontractors often are not factory trained or certified, and may cut corners. Choose a company whose team has experience and are certified to work with your new window type.
RWC has been relieving home improvement stress since 1959. Call us today or visit us on the web for your free consultation!