If you’re a homeowner, you’ve probably thought about renovating your home at one time or another. You may want to restore your home for structural or aesthetic reasons. As the owner of your home, you naturally want your home to look nice and to not be falling apart! Improving the quality of your home seems like a good investment, but is it?
Contrary to popular belief, some renovations can decrease the value of your home. For instance, moderately renovating your kitchen (on a reasonable budget) is a good idea and can improve the worth of your home. But, according to U.S. News, dropping tens of thousands of dollars on completely restyling your kitchen so that it looks more like the ones you see on your favorite gourmet cooking TV show can make your house less appealing to future potential buyers. They may not be as crazy about having a fancy kitchen as you may be, so they won’t want to pay for it.
The same goes for bathrooms and even specialized rooms (like a sunroom or an indoor movie theater). Renovating traditional rooms so that they’re high-class or high-tech, adding in nontraditional rooms, or even installing that hot tub you’ve always wanted may seem like upright investments, since they add appeal, which adds to the overall worth of your home. But, this is not the case.
Again, future potential buyers are most likely working on a budget or are just not interested in paying extra for things you might like, but they might not need, or for all that extra space you created. These factors and possibilities make your house less appealing and therefore of lesser value.
These issues are why renovating your home can be a huge waste of your time and money. Your time and money are just as valuable as your home, right? At first, restoring your home may seem worth the cost and commitment but as stated above. Most of the time it’s not worth it since you’ll only be decreasing the value of your home when you want to be increasing it.
If you’re going to renovate any aspect of your house, renovate responsibly. Keeping up with the Joneses is not worth your home losing any of its value. Renovate your kitchen or your bathroom on a tight budget—it’s possible under only $1,000! Also, don’t knock down rooms you need, like a patio or a garage, for things you don’t need, like a swimming pool.
To see if renovating your kitchen or bath will improve the value of your home, please visit RWC Kitchen & Bath for further details.
RWC Windows, Doors, Kitchens and Baths is a family-owned and operated business specializing in home improvement services. Everything from your windows to your doors and your kitchen to your bath, RWC is here to help. Our certified installers offer excellent assistance and high-quality services. Combined with our three-year “Headache Free” Service Warranty, RWC promises you a smooth and stress-free home improvement experience. For more information about our services, please visit RWC Services.
RWC has been relieving home improvement stress since 1959. Call us today or visit us on the web for your free consultation!