Thanksgiving is likely more well-known for huge quantities of home cooking than any other holiday. This holiday involves an average of 12 guests, all of whom will be waiting for your homemade food.
Because of this, you have surely put plenty of thought into what to buy, when to cook it, and just when to serve it. Still, there’s one big thing that you may have overlooked:
The Kitchen
This is the hub of Thanksgiving Day cooking action, yet you likely don’t give it a second thought until it’s time to actually start preparing the feast. After all, you see this room every day, and it is likely fine for the needs of two, three, or four people. It’s only when you need to cook for more that problems become obvious. Here are some of the elements that are worth paying special attention to:
The Refrigerator
Keeping the turkey fresh before and after the holiday is very challenging if your refrigerator isn’t big enough. Taking a shelf out can provide the headroom a whole turkey needs, but if the fridge isn’t wide enough, there’s nothing you can do to expand it. Therefore, you should seriously think of getting a bigger unit if the current one is too narrow.
The Oven
Most of the year, you likely only bake one or two things at a time. However, Thanksgiving often involves baking, roasting, or heating several dishes at once. The easiest way to deal with this challenge is to put in a double oven. Then, there’ll be no trouble baking some things at 400F and keeping other things warm at 250F.
Warming Trays
If you’re hesitant to add a double oven, get some warming trays instead. These can keep already-cooked food warm until everything else is ready to go. Once the holiday is over, they can be stored away until the next big event.
Cooling Stations
Heat may be the star of the kitchen, but some foods are far better off kept cold. Your salads, fruit cocktails, and drinks will stay at the perfect temperature if you add a cooling station to your kitchen. This will save you from having to try to juggle things in and out of the main refrigerator.
A Good Pot Rack
Have you ever experienced the frustration of having a stack of big pots fall over because you had to get one from the middle of the pile? Get a new pot rack to hang each one separately and ensure that this holiday goes smoothly. A stainless steel one will look impressive as well as organized.
New Cabinets
During most of the year, it may not be a big deal if the cabinet doors aren’t absolutely perfect. However, plenty of guests will see them during holidays. Have your cabinets spruced up or replaced if they aren’t in tip-top shape.
A New Floor
The principle is the same as for the cabinets. If you’ve been thinking that your kitchen floor doesn’t look too great anymore, now is the time to fix that by having new tile installed. Not only will your guests enjoy the new look, you’ll get to enjoy it yourself for a long time to come.
A Big Dishwasher
Once the celebration is over, you’ll be left with heaps of dishes to clean. Make this job as easy as possible by having a new, large dishwasher put in. The latest models will make short work of the stacks.
Here at RWC, we specialize in upgrading and remodeling New Jersey homes so they are both more useful and more beautiful. Give us a call or contact us through our site to learn about our kitchen upgrades, get appliance suggestions, or to have us design an entirely new kitchen that will work for you. We can have your new design created and installed in time for you to use this Thanksgiving if you call us now.